Q: What does the website migration service involve? Will my website be safe?

A: When your present hosting provider can no longer fulfill the necessities of your website, or when you undergo frequent downtime, or if you are made to wait for hours for the customer care team to respond back to you, it might be a smart idea to change your web hosting provider, i.e. to migrate all the files for your sites as well as your databases from your present provider to your future provider. At TFS Website, we know that this can often be hard and time–consuming. That’s why we will do all that for you for free!Our practiced technical team will migrate your web site content from your current provider to us. Our techs have got lots of experience migrating websites and are able to handle everything – from an ordinary WordPress–powered blog or Joomla web site, to a highly elaborate, custom–made web application.

Q: What does the website migration service involve? Will my website be safe?
Q: How much time will the website migration process take?

A: We strive to accomplish all website migrations ASAP. Still, we do not have a fixed time frame for web site migrations. There are several elements that you have to take into account – the very size of your web site and the workload of our web site migration team, etc. We always strive to implement each migration in under 48 hours. With less sizeable web sites, our staff typically manages to finish in less than 24 hours.

Q: How much time will the website migration process take?
Q: Do you require anything from me before you start moving my website?

A: Yep. We will need to have the name of the website that you would like us to move. We’ll also require a way to log into your present web hosting account so that we can get the files associated with your web site.

Q: Do you require anything from me before you start moving my website?
Q: The login details for my hosting account are delicate. How can I trust you?

A: User privacy is among our greatest priorities – because of this, both our payment transaction page and our CP login page are secured with enterprise–class Secure Sockets Layer certificates. We employ safety measures, which include, but are not limited to: physical, digital and administrative methods to safeguard the data that we obtain online. And we’ve got a very detailed and rigid Privacy Policy, which outlines the types of information that we gather.

Q: The login details for my hosting account are delicate. How can I trust you?
Q: Will there be any downtime for my web site?

A: No. Your website will stay available online during the transfer. Once everything is completed on our end, we’ll let you know so that you can examine it and check for any problems. If everything’s okay, all you will have to do is update your domain name’s DNS settings.

Q: Will there be any downtime for my web site?
Q: Will my old hosting provider know that I’m leaving them?

A: Nope. Apart from your login info for the Control Panel, we will not require anything. We’ll never get in touch with your web hosting provider. They won’t know anything about the transfer either.

Q: Will my old hosting provider know that I’m leaving them?
Q: Which web hosting providers can you migrate content from?

A: We support all Linux–based web hosting platforms. Basically, if we can acquire access to your Control Panel, we’ll be able to migrate your web site.The only platforms that we don’t support are closed–source website creation platforms such as Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Which web hosting providers can you migrate content from?