A web accelerator is a server-side program that speeds up an Internet site. Such a piece of software may work in different ways based on the site content, but in the typical situation all such programs cache content and deliver it instead of the hosting server. This is valid for both static and dynamic sites since the cached content can be simple text or database responses and the benefit of employing a web accelerator is not only the faster loading website, but also the reduced overall load on the server. This way, you'll be able to employ a lower-end hosting package that will also cost less while your site visitors will be able to still enjoy high browsing speeds. Several service providers provide web accelerators with their hosting packages and they frequently offer only 1, while we offer three different ones which will allow you to boost the performance of any kind of Internet site substantially.

Web Accelerators in Cloud Hosting

We offer three of the most popular web accelerators together with our cloud hosting solutions and based upon what plan you'll choose when you sign up, they could already be available or they could be an optional upgrade. Varnish is the most well-known one of them and it can be used for any sort of Internet site. It caches the pages the first time a visitor opens them and delivers them at a considerably faster speed compared to the hosting server each time that a website visitor opens them again. Memcached is employed to cache API and database calls, so it could boost the speed of dynamic websites including online stores, discussion boards or social networks. Node.js is employed for scalable web programs and it functions in real-time, which makes it ideal for server-side data processing - chats, browser games, booking portals, and many others. You shall be able to select just how much memory these accelerators will employ and how many instances of each one shall run from your Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel.

Web Accelerators in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel that is included with our semi-dedicated hosting solutions shall permit you to use Memcached, Varnish and Node.js for your websites. Memcached is among the most famous accelerators as it can easily accelerate any API or database-driven site by caching requests and responses, consequently the hosting server will not have to process identical requests over and over again. The platform is ideal for websites created with apps like Joomla, Mambo or WordPress. Varnish is an effective accelerator that caches any kind of content and is also frequently called an HTTP reverse proxy. It caches web pages which are opened by a site visitor for the first time and delivers them each and every time that same visitor opens them again. Varnish can easily speed up an Internet site several times since it delivers content faster than any hosting server. Node.js is a platform employed for scalable real-time apps such as chats, web browser games or social networks. It processes data in little bits the instant a user types anything, therefore it operates faster than similar platforms where users submit massive pieces of info which require time to be processed. You can select the number of instances and the dedicated memory for each and every one of the 3 accelerators via your CP.

Web Accelerators in VPS Hosting

We offer Memcached, Node.js and Varnish with all virtual private servers which are purchased with the Hepsia Control Panel. Your hosting server shall also include several hundred MBs of dedicated memory for these accelerators and the specific amount would be determined by the package that you select. Memcached is employed for script-driven Internet sites since it caches database responses, consequently decreasing the amount of queries which a script sends to its database. It could be employed for any script including WordPress or Joomla. Node.js is a powerful platform for creating web programs including booking sites and chats. The real-time interaction between users and a web server is carried out by processing small pieces of info as soon any user inputs anything on the webpage. By comparison, other platforms await users to input a whole lot of information before they process it, therefore they work slower. Varnish is a multi-purpose accelerator which caches whole web pages and provides them instead of the web server at a considerably quicker rate. It is also often called an HTTP reverse proxy and it can easily speed up any type of site.

Web Accelerators in Dedicated Web Hosting

Memcached, Varnish and Node.js are provided with all dedicated servers ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and in accordance with the package you choose, you shall also have several gigabytes of dedicated memory for them. Memcached can minimize the server load by lowering the number of queries which have to be taken care of as it caches database calls and responses. You shall be able to use it on any website which uses an API or a database - for instance, any site developed with WordPress or Joomla. Varnish can boost the performance of any kind of site by caching whole webpages the first time a guest opens them. The accelerator delivers the web pages if the same visitor opens them later and given that it does that much faster than the web server, the website visitor shall be able to surf your website at least a couple of times faster. That's why Varnish is often referred to as an HTTP reverse proxy. Node.js is an innovative platform that will permit you to develop booking sites, web chats and other programs where real-time server-user interaction is needed. It processes the info in tiny pieces as the user fills different boxes and does not wait for all boxes to be filled and processed as one big chunk of data, which makes Node.js much faster than similar applications.