We’ve integrated a group of Website Applications in your Site Control Panel that can assist you successfully advertise your websites on the Internet. Our sitemap generation tool can help you obtain a precise sitemap of your site. Additionally, you’re able to publish that sitemap to the search engines to index your website. The RSS News syndication instrument will let you produce frequently refreshed content material on your front page so you could get greater possibilities to climb high in search engine listings. At the same time, we’ve integrated a GeoIP re–direction tool that will let you target your customers a lot more precisely in line with their particular location.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap tool incorporated straight into your Site Control Panel

In case you have just recently brought out your web site and need it to get scanned faster from the the major search engines, or if you need to offer your web visitors a quick method to navigate through all your web pages, you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a list of all the pages on your web site that are hyperlinked to. Normally, you have to go with 3rd party applications to deliver the results, however, with TFS Website, you can get a Sitemap Generator incorporated straight into the Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator we offer is in fact user friendly and because it is 100% suitable for our cloud cloud hosting platform – your website is going to be crawled quickly.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Very easy location–focused redirection

We provide you with a very simple tool, which will help you sort the customers of your website depending on their country. For example, utilizing the GeoIP redirection tool, you can easily direct all the website traffic from Spain towards the Spanish variant of your web site in case you have such. This enables you to target your clients far more precisely and provide them with the onsite stay they expect.

No particular capabilities or technical comprehension are needed to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most recent headlines within your site

What is RSS? RSS represents a technique for submitting and collecting content. It’s being frequently used by media websites, private weblogs, bulletins, etcetera. The submitted content is quickly collected from a news aggregator and afterwards made available to the consumer. Working with RSS, clients may get hold of news from various web sites and go over them in a sole area.

Using our RSS News application, you can easily insert media feeds from some of the world’s most popular news outlets and exhibit them on you site.

RSS News